I am figuring that it is the wax separated out. I did however have a problem with small clumps being in the mix which I found were difficult to massage in. The wax in this mix seems to be what he needed. Recently I switched to just oil, but it didn’t give him the heavy coating that vasoline left and which he needed to retain moisture in his skin. We had been using tons of steroids on him since he was a tiny baby. I had been using vasoline which worked well for him, but I was so worried about the side effects. I can already tell that it is going to help his skin. I just made this today for my son who has severe eczema. This homemade product will keep fresh on the counter for up to a year. Pour from pan into a 4 ounce glass jar ( I keep these on hand at all times) or any other appropriate storage container of your choosing.Continue to whisk as mixture cools, whisk until mixture is creamy yet still pourable.Whisk until all ingredients are well combined.Remove from heat and add olive oil, castor oil, lanolin, and vitamin E oil.In a small sauce pan, over low to medium heat, warm coconut oil and beeswax until melted.1 teaspoon vitamin E oil (it’s this GMO-free vitamin E oil for me).2 tablespoons beeswax (these beeswax pastilles are so much easier to work with).1/8 cup olive oil (I purchase only the best organic olive oil here).1/4 cup coconut oil (this is the creamiest, most nutritive coconut oil I’ve ever used).I have linked to the products I use as a reference. *Use organic ingredients whenever possible. I love this homemade petroleum-free jelly, more so because I can once-and-for-all say good-bye to conventional Vaseline (I love you Mom)! Homemade Vaseline They give a great case and motivation for making your own!Īll of that to say, after working in the kitchen for a few hours, I came up with a recipe that’s PERFECT! Presenting the reasons why Vaseline should be abandoned. If you’d like to read more, these fine folks do a wonderful job I could spend time writing about the dangers and toxic concerns over petroleum jelly… I want the feel - and function - of petroleum jelly…just not the petroleum jelly. Speaking of Pinterest…you should follow me! Not to mention, the recipes for homemade non-petroleum jelly floating around on Pinterest…well…they never really produced the FEEL of Vaseline. Nevertheless, I’m now well aware of the reality behind Vaseline, I guess in someway it’s always held some sort of nostalgia for me and it’s just one of those things! She used it for EVERYthing! Eye makeup remover, facial moisturizer, lip balm, wound salve, she put it on her heels at night, EVERYthing! And I must say…at 60 years old, the woman has zero wrinkles. Growing up, Vaseline was my Mom’s cure-all. …after all of these years, I still have Vaseline in my bathroom drawer.