Instantiating script 'NIBMods' in script domain 'ScriptDomain_96CE4E1F'. Started script 'NativeUI.BigMessageThread'. Instantiating script 'NativeUI.BigMessageThread' in script domain 'ScriptDomain_96CE4E1F'. Instantiating script 'JC2' in script domain 'ScriptDomain_96CE4E1F'. Instantiating script 'IronmanV' in script domain 'ScriptDomain_96CE4E1F'. Loading scripts from 'G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\scripts' into script domain 'ScriptDomain_96CE4E1F'. Created script domain 'ScriptDomain_96CE4E1F'.
#Just cause 2 mods com mod#
Help going on the vehicle works thruster dosent work and eject dosent work maybe its because the grapling hook mod has been updated Changed control for jumping to other cars Roll out of vehicle: tap exit vehicle key (F or Y on gamepad) Parachute thrusters: sprint key (shift or A on gamepad) Hold sprint (shift or A on gamepad) and press jump to jump to roof while on motorbike Jump to roof of other vehicle: Jump key (Space or X on gamepad) Jump onto roof of own vehicle: C, or RB + B Simply put JustCauseEject.dll and JustCauseEject.ini in the scripts folder JulioNIB's Just Cause 2 Mod (needed to steal cars after jumping on their roof) Jumping onto the roof of another car or motorbike

Vehicle can also be exploded with button or simply when stopped (configurable) Vehicle explodes on impact after ejecting out Rolling out the side door of a vehicle by tapping the exit vehicle key Ejecting out of a vehicle using a parachute Let me know what you think, and if encounter any bugs, or if things need to be tweaked.

While I have experience programming, this is my first script, so it can be a little buggy. I had a lot of fun playing with it, but I thought it would great to have some other elements of JC2, such as ejecting out of a vehicle and watching explode fantastically. You've probably seen the Just Cause 2 grappling hook mod, and if you haven't, you should probably check it out.